Kalmia’s proven process helps guide our clients from start to finish, with clarity and professionalism. We deliver exceptional results by taking the time to understand your goals, developing a comprehensive schedule, and documenting and communicating every step of the way.

A comprehensive budget starts with a discussion to clearly define the project scope of work.
Value Engineering
The project team works hand in hand with architects, engineers, and property owners during the planning phase to recommend cost-saving alternative designs, materials, and methods.
The latest scheduling software is used by the project team to develop and communicate thorough project schedules that detail project milestones, sequencing, and duration.
Feasibility Studies
We work with our clients and design professionals to evaluate the technical and financial feasibility of a project based on the allocated budget, schedule, location, and materials.
Project Team
The project team is selected based on specific capabilities and experience then matched with the client needs to ensure a successful project outcome.
Construction Contract Documents Review
We meticulously review all provided documents before commencing work.
Project Schedule Development
Schedules are set in advance, then reviewed and updated at weekly progress meetings.
Subcontractor Selection
Selecting the right team of subcontractors is critical to the success of any project which is why all our subcontractors are chosen based on bid price, quality, performance, and project size.
Project Kick-Off Meeting
Kalmia meets with the design team and the client to review documents and specs, schedules, site setup, rules and regulations, and general information.
Site Work Coordination
The on-site project team oversees the work of the subcontractors to ensure that schedules and budgets are adhered to and the client is completely satisfied.
Submittal Process
Kalmia manages the submittal process through the Project Management platform Procore to ensure that the correct materials, equipment, and systems are installed.
Weekly Progress Meetings
Depending on the complexity of the project, weekly or bi-weekly meetings will be held to discuss schedules and progress. Agendas are distributed and minutes are taken at each meeting.
Procore is utilized to manage all documents throughout the construction process which allows for complete oversight and document control for both the internal and external team.
Post Construction
A walk-through with the client and/or design team is conducted to confirm that the project has been finished according to the contract documents.
Closeout Package
A complete closeout package includes permits, inspection records, warranty information, operation and maintenance information, and any additional materials as requested by the client.
Client Training
In addition to equipment manuals, Kalmia conducts client training for all newly-installed systems.